Sunday, February 11, 2018

Arranging home nicely

When I was younger at the capital district, I felt that my own view of what is a nice spirit in a home or in clothes drowned under all kinds of practical details. Later in Savonlinna the things available have been more in my taste, but on the other hand I have noticed that at the capital district the way of trying, it's technique was wrong. Instead of tidying small detail one should have attention in the spirit that one aims at having in the room, if how the room would be nice. Drown in that spirit, do things that fit well together with that, see that view richer and as more dominant. Then place few things, or even more if it goes well, according to that spirit, for example some area of the room, or bring clothes of the beginning season's weathers, things needed in it or the like, for one to have some spirit, some element which creates pleasant being and well working spaces. Where it does not work out so well, leave things undone this time, at most taike away some thing with nasty spirit, and leave rest later, to be done according to other factors which create pleasant life to those things which are not well taken care of by for example the window with it's view, plants on the window, curains, things there, light, shadow by it or the like. If some place has poor spirit, you can search for something to replace it with, for example some nice thing, nice hobby tool, something styly found from second hand or from others or from elsewhere ideas of what would be pleasant, charming etc. So from several pieces is the pleasantness of a room formed across time and changng from season to season. 

 For one to understand a person one needs to take into account social perceptions, things done etc. Looked at more widely, different things done, equipment etc need eacvh their own space to function well, and to understand the whole thing one needs to look at the whole room etc. Likewise the different parts of the room have their own good sides and actions suited to them and a good way of using the space there, their own spirit and the characyteristics of that part of the room, it's spirit, life there, in other words pleasantness, liveliness, well working, good moments and successful things done.

10.9.2016   I noticed also that when my window one can at some places see green outdoors ("Oh, there are trees here") and right next to it the wall of an apartment house ("yak, it was only like this"), I noticed that wehn I put the washed clothes drying thing's usual place so that my ordinary road of passing by it goes with beautiful vies and not at all with ugly views, it at once became more pleasant and charming.

10.2.2018   Here views from my window, all from the same window:

25.9.2016    Here the way of arranging the room should not be stiff or acted, at all like a theater scene, at least if one spends a lot of time in the room, since such does not make one feel well, one does not get that rest and refreshment that one needs from home. So how, if from here is a magnifient view but from some other place not, how should one choose places to sit and walk along? Reaching for looks easily falls into the trap of making a theater scene like arrangement to the room, so it isn' t agood thing to hang on, even though it can be an additional charm. Instead "here is nice to wander when there is the view outdoors, so I will place the walking route roughly here and sitting place there where it is good to sit and look out of the window" works well and one makes at the same time the choices according to the view. Generally "nice" is a good rule, since it takes many things into account and varies from situation to another.

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27.9.2016   If there are as many rooms (not including kitchen) as there are people living in teh apartment (maybe half a room for kids) it brings a luxory like feeling instead of the melancholy of too many rooms, a little bit like the trees may bring greenery and magnifient looks.

21.11.2016   Tuotteen tekijän näkökulma auttaa onnistumaan ostoksissa,

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11.10.2016   From my blog
"10. Arrange your home under the rule of your most loved dreams, things connecting to biggest dreams on main places, other things where ever and the nastiest throw away. This way you get your phere of life immediately according to your biggest dreams, and not just according to the demands of living the veryday life, so you get those things to central role in your life which you really want to such position."

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13.11.2016 Savonlinnan seudun sanomalehdestä Itä-Savosta, jota luen, oppii mm mökkeilymäisestä sisustamisesta myös kaupunkiin, saa ideoita, touchia, tyyliä ja oppii taiteista.

The part of the town you live in matters: near work or in free time sphere, in other words do you get rest. Is there a garden, green, landscapes, life, in other words do you get healthy stimuli. Do you like the people there and the area's style. Does it give to you good possibilities for life, for example jogging route, shops, hobbies, easy travel, parks, shores etc. Which professions are such that you want to live in the middle of such professions. All do not like the same, so best may be among the cheapest.

Näyttävyydestä ja koko blogin ajattelunäkemys

Näyttävyys ei saisi mennä lavastamiseksi tai siitä katoaa idea ja hyödyllisyys ja se alkaa häiritä toimivuutta ja sosiaalista silmää.
("34. Asiat, joita toiset arvostavat suurina ihanteina ja ylimmän taidon piirteinä, kuten taide ja uskonto, mutteivät tunne saavansa niihin kylliksi tilaisuutta, ja joita toiset niihin tilaisuuden saaneet eivät niin arvosta ja saattavat laiminlyödä tai koko touhu mennä pupuksi, niin nuo asiat ovat yleensä sellaisia, että ne vaativat, että kaikki tavallisten taitojen perusasiat on huolehdittu hyvin hyvällä laadulla ja ettei mitään tavallisten taitojen osia ole laiminlyöty. Silloin ne ovat ylivertaisen taidon rakennusaineita ja tavallisia taitoja laiminlyövien käsissä joko jotain kummaa kautta ihme kyllä jotenkin toimivia tai puppua vain. Tällaiset taidon ylemmät asteet eivät toimi yksinään vaan vain muuten kunnollisen elämän kokonaisuuden osina, tai siis jokin puoli niistä toimii, jos sen kerran juuri huolehtii, mutta kokonaisuus lässähtää jotenkin, kun muut puolet puuttuvat."
"55. Jos ihminen muuttaa kulttuuriin, joka on niin erilainen hänen alkuperäisestä kulttuuristaan, ettei hän oikein pysy kärryillä, mikä meni mitenkin, niin häneltä puuttuvat tavanomaisen elämän tavanomaiset mielekkyydet, jotka kaikki tuossa uudessa kulttuurissa hallitsevat kuin vettä vaan. Hän ei siis elä maisemassa sen paremmin elinympäristönsä kuin uuden kulttuurin maailmankuvan ja käytäntöjenkään osalta, vaan häneltä puuttuu tolkku ja vastuuntunto, koko todellisuuskäsitys asiantiloineen ja järjenjuoksuineen. Silloin tekemisten juoni on ulkoisen hahmon matkimisen ja vanhan kulttuurin tuttujen sirpaleiden varassa, joita ei ehkä ole montaa mutta jotka voivat hämätä esim. keskusteluissa luulemaan muualta muuttanutta osaavammaksi kuin onkaan, sillä jollei keskustelun maailmankuvaa ymmärrä ja jaksa seurata, niin käytökseltä puuttu jatkuvuus: se ei jää tuon maailmankuvan mukaiseksi, vaikka sosiaalinen saattaa olla. Erityisen hankalaa on, jos esim. koko huomionkäytön tyyppi puuttuu kuten tropiikin jatkuvasta helteestä muuttaneella kenties tunnelmatajuinen tarkka jatkuva näköhahmotus maisemasta, jossa on, ja sen elämästä konteksteineen ja mielekkyyksineen."

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An apoartment house home can be of many different kind inside. Like if you see trees from the window, you can choose green or park like or town like view by choosing where the areas you spend time and walk along are mainly compared to the views from the windows, you can for example take a theme from a fascinating book or from some fascinating thing in mind to cultivate in how you arrange your home. Likewise you can indoors, for example with the help of second hand things, take a theme which can give a different spirit for the room: there are clothes, green plants, pictures, soft, work oriented, rough, decorations, summer cottage life, handiworks, music, the four seasons, pleasant living, practical things, books, computer pets, etc other themes that you are interested in. And by cultivating certain themes, by keeping themin sight, at good places, handy and with good spirit, you get a home with such spirit. But at the same time you need to be in the same way have a successfull pleasant view about the area you live in: this is a peaceful place between houses, green suburb or nice old times street view, area for families with samll kids, or the like.

11.3.2017  I went to look at curtains, which would not be of so much autumn spirit, but now on spring winter the curtains in the shop seemed to be in a winter theme, as if there were for people who identify themselves with winter time, kind of turned away from life in the action. So it seemed to matter to buy curtains just that seasons which type of characters and attitudes to life one can bear endlessly.
I guess that many neighbours recognize curtains in the window, so that their style brings you a place to live in. I for example have curtains of the type of an elderly person, even though I am 45, which is in a way fine and on the other hand too much staying at home and social with just the elderly.
The street viewsof town, gardens and summer cottages seem each have their own type of curtains: which view compares positively with the curtains that you look at and what kind of impression it gives of the charm of the environment and of what you can suppose to find when you go out. 
28.4.2017   Esineiden ja huonekalujen paikan valitsemisesta
Ensin olisi katsottava, ettei esine ole käytännössä tiellä, ainakaan muuten kuin harvoin niillä paikoilla, joille sitä harkitaan. Sitten osattava käyttää sitä ja pohdittava paikat niin, että ne olisivat käteviä. 
Sitten valittava paikka kotoisuuden, viihtyisyyden, tunnelmallisuuden yms perusteella hyvä, niin kuin tunne sanoo, että hyvä on.
12.7.2017  I looked at curtains again but it was surprisingly difficult to choose them. Especially transparent curtains can be used mostly in the summer time when there aren't lights indoors and there is outdoors  green and beautiful. There seemed to be curtains for people who prefer the spirit certain season of the year  and different versions of the same season, for example Midsummer (=lightest time) and half way between summer - usually in teh style of the late summer time is the observation that soon will cold water be poured upon you /schools start or the like. So I brought thick middle of the summer stryle curtains. There were curtains for different purposes, with different attitudes to life, with different views about living at home, living environment, for different ages, for different level of wisdom of life, different types of people, different ways of being social, type of position and different ways of being active, and so they brought different types of quality of life, as if flows to live in. There were also curtains for people with different values, which is why one ought to pay attention to colour symbolics (also as interpreted by others) and the main attractions of the town they were brought from. From the names of the curtains one seemed to learn something of what the curtains were like in style. The flower curtains, at least not all of them, did not seem to be an as good option for women as one would have supposed, but instead many men classify them as "whatever curtains", and so one does not so automartically ger good life from them.
21.7.2017    It so happened that I brought from an internet shop curtain fabric from a sale 5 euros per meter, and it wasn't transparent like fabrics in Savonlinna (the picture just has colours wrong). But in fact IU brought also other curtain fabric for one curtain, but it didn't fit so well, was too thick and of a different style. (The pictures in the curtains were quite much like those on the net pages but not exactly the same, but fabrics are made in smaller sets I guess.) This on the other hand was summer like flower fabric and the colours were what there was for sale in flower fabrics.
 I thought that a curtain will in use hang in the style that it is in the beginning and later according to habits used. So as I thought it nicer so, I left it to large waves and not evenly but more like paintings (fine paintings and subjects of paintings in mind while handling the curtain, so that some of that style is left on the curtain, but paintings are usually from a too unmoving way of life and so one cannot use them as a theme usually if one wants to be happy) to begin with, so that I get more room for my own skill level in that.

I shortened the curtain according to it's pictures to be good for me, and on the other hand so that it is warm in the winter time when curtain does not cover the heater but instead lets warm air flow from top of it to the room, and on the other hand a pleasant figure and somehow fitting to what i am like.  In that one must rememeber to leave room for the folds nex to the line sewn. So I first ironed the lower edge to a fold (and then to the upper edge), then cut it to a nice width, sew with a sewing machine criss cross the edge  and then sew the fold near the edge by the narrowest criss cross line, for to get a more lively impression than sewing straiught, and for the lower edge to not to be too thick to hang as round waves. Then I for safety's sake measured again the place of the upper edge fold, I had ironed it already (upper fold of even width) and so I cut the fold to a suitable width and sew it to the thickness of three fabrics, did it with a straight sewing line for it to hang evenly, be strong enough to hang from and tidy. 
The height of the curtain I measured first with the curtain fabric hang to see how it curves down and how the window shelf(?) and the green plants on the window affect it, what would be suitable height (the curtain fabric under it = folds on top and bottom + pieces to be cut away) and got a chance to ponder how the fuígure would be nice.

I have usually hang curtains with 9 pieces, since it is handy so, but I don't know whether it is good other wise at all. So first from the sides, the middle, then half way the other half and each part to half, and then the same on the other half. At least it is even. 

Koetan laatia tähän jonkin ohjeen kuvien laittamisesta seinälle. Yleensä on muutamia kivoja kuvia, jotka voisi laittaa seinälle, ja sitten on paikkoja, jotka kaipaavat jotakin seinälle. Paikalla on jokin teema, esim. harrastus tai sänky, ja sillä on sijansa joko usein, hetkittäin jatkuvasti tai ohimennen tai ei juuri koskaan katsottuna. Tilan laajuus ja oma silmä vaativat yleensä isoa tai pientä kuvaa tai joukkoa kuvia. Jotkut vieraat tai perheenjäsenet yhdistävät kuvat yleensä tuohon paikkaan liittyvään aiheeseen, joten pitää varoa, etteivät ne silloin mene ihan pieleen tai tule liian isoa efektiä. Paikalla on rytminsä ja värisävynsä, ja niin kuvan voi sijoittaa paikkaan niin, että se täydentää kokonaisuuden tietyntyyppiseksi tilaksi yleisvaikutelmaltaan ja viihtyisyydeltään: upotaan haluuttuun tunnelmaan, esim. sen kannalta hyvänä hetkenä, ja sijoitetaan kuva silloin kivalta vaikuttavaan paikkaan tunnelman rikkoutumatta, muuttamatta tunnelmaa näpertämisen, arvioimisen tms tunnelmaksi. Samoin kuvan tummuus voi luoda kontrasteja tai laimentaa toisia soinnuttaen. Kuva voi myös luoda rakennetta asuntoon, joko soinnuttaa erityyppiset tilat saman elämäntavan osiksi tai luoda eroja eri käyttötarkoitusten välille, tai esim. tasapainottaa viereisestä huoneesta löytyvää dominanttia teemaa jatkamalla jotakin siihen vertautuvaa toisen huoneen näkymään, esim. luontoaiheisesta maalauksesta katse siirtyy toisen huoneen koristeheiniin. Nykyaikana omista valokuvista saa helposti kuvia seinälle netistä tilaamalla, Ifolorilla olikohan 10 senttiä/kpl + posti muistaakseni 3-4e kerralla, mutta isot kuvat maksavat enemmän.
24.10.2017   I once looked at a picture of a wooden Aino house , and afterwards I was left pondering that it is fascinating looking but is it poor to live in.  To buying an apartment and to renting it Iguess that one ought to apply the same as to other things to buy , in other wordsone should search for such that gives possibilities for life for your type of person, for example your dreams about way of living. Often that means that one must search for a town or village that offers just such as the main flow of it's culture.
Mutta mites sitten, jos on kiva asunto, niin miten sen sisustaa, jotta se on kiva ja mukava asua, hyvä elää? Tarvitsisi noiden asunnon tyylin, tilantunnun, ikkunanäkymien, sijainnin yms tarjoamien hyvien puolien tyyppisiä asioita elämänuomia etsiä myös muista asioista, joista sitten voi niitä rakentaa, tarjota niitä itselleen japerheelleen. Ja sama juttu muiden kivojen elämänuomien kanssa: etsiä asioita, tavaroita jne, jotak sellaisia tarjoavat, ja sisustaa niillä, paikaten tavallisilla, kulttuurin mukaisilla, asunnon ja asuinpaikan & -seudun henkeen sopivilla muilla huonekaluilla, tavaroilla, matoilla yms kokonaisuuden kyllin tavalliseksi, hyväksyttäväksi. Yleensä ei kai kannata ostaa kaikkea kerralla, jollei satu silmään tosi hyviä tarjouksia. Monia tavaroita ja huonekaluja myydään erilaiusia eri vuodenaikoina ja esim. lehtien putoamisen aikaan tehdyt ostokset usein epäonnistuvat, samoin kai juuri ennen kuin lähes kaikki lumi on sulanut. Kesä-, talvi- syksy', joulu. jne tarjoavat erilaisia löytöjä, joten jos on paikkakunnalla pidempään, niin voi ostaa ajan myötä tarvitsemansa halvemmalla ja juuri sellaisen, joka vaikuttaa hyvältä valinnalta. Kodin Kuvalehti ym naistenlehdet kai opettavat sisustamista, samoin vo paikallislehdestä ja paikallisista mainoksista oppia paikkakunnan hyvää meininkiä ja sen tyyliä.
9.2.2018   Jos jokin esine tai seutu asettuu hienosti, on hienon tunnelmainen, niin se kai johtuu siitä, että on harrastunut siitä aihepiiristä, kun sitä käsittelee, on siihen uppoutunut, sen tenhoon, meininkiin, antaa sille tilaa eikä kuluta sitä loppuun, ei ole muissa aatoksissa työstä stressaantuneena. Myös, jos on uppoutunut johonkin muuhun kiehtovaan, niin jälki on kiva. Maalaamista harrastaessa oppii näyttävyyttä ja tilan antamista kiehtoville aiheille, mutta tunnelma kokemuksena menee silloin huonommaksi, sillä maalaus on vain kuva, usein jotenkin loppuunkuluttavan tyyppisesto tehty ja liian toimetonta sisällyksetöntä elämää. Lopun aikaa ei sitten siirtele esineitä niin herkästi, jos meininki tai mieliala on huono. Ja siivoaa sitten hyvällä a ok mielellä, laittaa kivaksi. 

25.3.2018   If you search for magnifient looks yet good to live in, you ought to have some complex magnifient looking thing that fascinates you, like for example a red curved pine branch from the window. And then you should have a good fascination way of living, view to life or the like that finds such magnifient looking things uplifting. And then just arrange some part of the room with those as a theme (see the first advice of this blog post).

My Finnish language blog about succeeding in buying things with low budget 
(Ostoksissa onnistumisesta - säästäväisen asiakkaan näkökulma : ) 
two pieces of which I have translated to Engliesh:

25.4.2018   Pictures of the garden I used to have, and links (June 20, 2015: 1., 3. and 4.) to the garden magazine I read then and to the newspaper and women's magazine that I have read during the last few years.

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