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I do not quite know why I put these here in sight, but I guess that there are two reasons: Firstly this district that I live in, Nätki suburb in Savonlinna town in Finland in north-eastern Europe, is somehow charming and kind of magnifient in style but dangerous to visit or live in. So people maybe wanna see what the homes here are like, but I guess that mine isn't typical, but anyway it is somehow Savonlinna and Nätki style. Secondly I (= miss Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, North Europe) am somehow famous thinker/writer, see http://picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.fi/2018/02/links-to-my-texts.html , and so some may wanna see what kind of influence I am to kids and young people.
I am a 46 years (born August 1971) old Finnish woman. Finland is in north-eastern Europe. I am highly educated but interested in reaching higher still in skills and intelligence & wisdom, with the help of arts, religions, nature, healthy natural life, sports, feelings, wisdom of life and an interest in caring the world at large to a good state, to a good long-term future.
Pictures from my one-room-apartment in Savonlinna, Finland, north-eastern Europe. The climate of four seasons here matters a lot! http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html
Kaisa Hannele Tervola
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I change this to be here. It is already third (fourth) place, since to begin with I did not want to put these to internet, I just somehow did so, even though one ought not, since internet writing asks for distance or one begins to feel that it is nasty, disturbs everyday life, if it is too near one's own life.
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I wrote a good pice of advice about maing home nice, see later in this blog.
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28.11.2016 These pictures are from my homein Savonlinna. Savonlinna has under 30 000 inhabitants and is a countryside town in Etelä-Savo. Mikkeli town is 200km north from Helsinki and Savonlinna is 100km east from Mikkeli. In the half way there is a smaller village Juva and roughly the same amount east from Savonlinna Parikkala near the Russian border, but the nearest border crossing place is more south in Lappeenranta.
Savonlinna isknown for it's medieval castle Olavinlinnasta, which is from the time of Swedish rule, a Swedish architect (square forms) but build by Finns (more complex views, and if I remember right, the round towers too). Nowadays in July there is in the castle afamous, fine, big opera festival. A few years ago still there was a big famous art exhibition Retretti some 30kn east from Savonlinna inPunkaharju, but it ran out of money because of the huge costs. But there has still been some art exhibition in the district that aims at such.
Savonlinna travel http://visitsavonlinna.fi/en/
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So here some pictures from my home, but each one lives in a different way. At the time of the first puictures I had lived in Savonlinna fior seven years and last five of them in the Nätki suburb.
(oma kirjoitukseni tuosta kuuluisasta Gallen-Kallelan maalauksesta http://harmaahapset.blogspot.fi/2016/02/kommunikaatiosta-nuorempien-kanssa.html , costed there 8 euros + same sum postage in Finland; about Kalevala http://kalevalainenglish.blogspot.fi/)
The map is about the indigenous peoples of the world
The music instruments in the picture, which I play nowadays, are from Savonlinnan Soitinkulma (I gave an old good quality guitar to the instrument shop and got a beautifully sounding ukulele with 20 euros)
huonekalut enimmäkseen Espoosta kirpparilta tai halpakaupasta
The green plants mostly from Savonlinna's K-citymarket (for example the biggest palm tree i.e. traakkipuu, was there 12,5 euros one and a half years ago, they sell them mainly in the spring winter just after the cold winter weathers are gone and temperature near zero Celcius so that one can carry the plants unharmed outdoors what there is walking distance on the way home, since the plants do not bear freezing and they cannot keep warmth, but one can cover the plant by a big plastic bag that has indoor air inside )
Eri paikkakunnilla on ihan erioloista tavaraa, vaikka periaatteessa niitä kai myydään paikkakunnalta toiselle kysynnän mukaan, niin käytännössä kumminkin asuinpaikka määrää, minkätyylisiä tavarat ja huonekalut ovat. Nojatuolini ja laatikosto ovat Helsingistä, koristehyllyköt, tuolit (muttei sirkuspallit), radio ja kukkaviltti Espoosta, Savonlinnasta ompelukone, telkku, jalkalamput ja soittimen kuvan hyllyt sekä keittokomeron pikkupöytä. Helsingissä tavarat ym jättivät tilaa elämälle, joka soi tunnelmallisena yhteisön viisauden kantamana, mutta samalla jostain tuli elämänkielteinen urautuma, mikä lie jöö, joka pilasi elämän. Espoossa taas oli kaikki kivasti mutta sanoi samalla kkrraaahhhh ja oli liian hidastahtista. Savonlinnassa tyyli on mukavuudenhaluinen ja magnifient kai oopperan ja mökkeilyn myötä, mutta loppujen lopuksi jää aina miettimään, onko ruoka liian suurella painotuksella ihan vain typeryyttään. (Savonlinna lienee niitä paikkakuntia, joilla ihmiset käyvät shoppailemassa kauempaakin, jos tyylistä pitävät, esim. joku helsinkiläinen tuttu oli aikanaan käynyt päivämatkalla Savonlinnassa vaate- ym ostoksilla, muistelen. Se on kai yksi matkailu- ja taidepaikkakunnan vetonauloista. Mutta yöpyminen on eri juttu, kun täällä Savonlinnassa on vaikuttanut vaaralliselta. I guess that Savonlinna is oneof those places to which people come to shop from other towns sometimes, if they like the style.)
One room per inhabitant is luxory but more rooms makes one melancholic. To one room fit just best things and oe needs to throw away nasty things since there isn't any room for them.
19. maaliskuuta 2017
Syyskuun lopulla 2017, Kuva viime keväältä
22.8.2017 I bought a new curtain which isn't so very hot in the summer time. The pictures in this were somehow better for the quality of life than those of my old brown-white autumn flower curtain, which is the reason I chose this one.
28.9.2017 Helsingissä oli minulla turhan iso kirjahylly, en kaikkia kirjoja halunnut edes joskus. Nyt viimeiset viisi vuotta on ollut tämä yksi hyllyväli jäljellä, mikä on ihan hyvä siksi, että haluan jatkaa akateemiselta taustaltani muihin aihepiireihin. Mutta paljon enemmän tulee luettua lehteä kuin kirjoja, omasta hyllystä ei melkein ollenkaan.
Kitarasta on yksi kieli rikki, muttei ole tullut korjattua, kun soitan mieluummin ukulelea, joita minulla on kaksi.
Vaahtomuovikuutiot ovat koirien sirkustarvkkeita reilun kuuden vuoden takaa.
Sitä piti kirjoittamani, että minua ovat taiteilijakodit ja kesämökit tavanneet viehättää, kesämökeistä juuri taiteilijakotimaisuus ja toki käytännön elämä ikiaikaisen tapaan, että niistä var,aankin lähinnä tulee tyylivaikutetta, mutta olen oman versioni pyrkinyt tekemään, en matkimaan.
If some think that blue isn't according to feelings so mcuh that it could connect to flowers, I must say that civilized ways are well thought of and good for life, so ghood for feelings too. And among other things the rule "Live and let others live!" http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2012/10/live-and-let-others-live.html brings room for feelings, but is somehow clumsily said, mostly a well working thoguht. (Here the bachground of the curtain is bluish green, brings to my mind paintings and schooled knowledge about plant species, while the flowers are white and bluish red.)
My old video channel from the time I lived in Espoo http://www.youtube.com/khtervola about a thousand videos
A list of my blogs you can find from the mainpage, by clicking the three horizontal lines and then from the pop up window my name or picture.
20.2.2018 Spring side of winter but not yet spring, in the morning it was -20 Celcius degrees cold but the sun shines sometimes already.
23.2.2018 Again in the morning -21Celsius butsunshine too. Cold weather goes now better and soon it willbe spring. In the picture my dog is under a ventilation window and thinks of living in the cold.
25.2.2018 I made some advices for too squeezed people about broadening one's possibilities inlife http://mythoughtsaboutnews.blogspot.fi/2018/02/for-too-much-squeezed-people.html
9.5.2018 I tried to make a traditional wooden bird.
The coin is Sibelius (very famous old Finnish composer) special coin 2€
5.6.2018 About how to make such wooden birds, but the advices are in Finnish:
The usefulness of this kind of handiworkspresupposes the way of thinkinh taught in my thinking course http://quickerlearning.blogspot.fi and Finnish kind of view of the world, see the beginning of my blog http://Finnishskills.blogspot.fi , plus healthy kind of ways of doing and living, see the long list of advices about them in the same blog http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html . And as always present in Finnish traditions is a knowledge and understanding of the Finnish national ephos Kalevala http://Kalevalainenglish.blogspot.fi (It is very important that the translator should be a Finn, fully Finnish.) .
5th April 2019 I am making to my long text about living wisely the four seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html short pieces of melodies to the spring part, since I did not find music videos that would teach the basic skills of living the spring. Here is a piece of melody for the spring winter, for making the landscape more interesting looking
I composed today three short pieces of music to my text about the seasons, to it's April part. This one is the best: the awakening vigour of life in trees when snow melts:
21.5.2019 "In the summer having made indoors nice affects one's mood a lot indoors. I guess that it ought to be so that the summer's cool weathers feel cool and hot days hot, so that kind of heat regulation, which at least for me means something with strong colours like of those who like hot and bigger areas quite light and other things fitting together with it but not so striking the eye, for example grey and brown. There ought to be not masses of tiny things like papers at all, especially not near the window, but instead clear, not so demanding, somehow flourishing, bringing a good mood. But I do not know this so well, but women may often in teh summer have a not so good mood because of this, to which helps to spend lots of time outdoors.
(The picture is from the latter half of May from my sunside apartment, which's temperatures maybe now correspond to ordinary Finnish summer temperatures.)"
28th of June 2019 My Japanese spitz died three weeks ago, on a hot day. He was already eleven and half years old and too fat.
My other dog, the apricot poodle is an independent character and already ten years old, and has adaoted well, even though our daily life changed alot since the Japanese spitz kept company to us all the time and he also was not sporty at all. He also had an interest in curing and seemed skille din it http://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html
Here is a pice of melody I composed a little bit over a week ago to help other who mourn the death of their pet. After almost two weeks it seemed good to take more distance, to wish well and to have an idealistickind of polite picture of the pet which had died.
29th June 2019 I took a picture of my poodle, some three weeks after my Japanese spitz died. My poodle slept on a pile of clothes and blankets that he had kind of rearranged.
The street this house is on has an old times' army name, which is at the same time somehow good life and somehow harsh. There used to be two food shops and a bar near by, but now there is only one food shop with not so good quality food, I cannot use it, and a new bar after a long pause. But so people who live here tend to care foods well, kind of for free time and good life, for peacefulness too, and for home likedness since the district seems dangerous, and I guess that for to support the peace arts need. At least part of the people appear religious. There is nature as an element in the living environment, somewhat like admiring pet's magnifient coat or the like. The town is largely centered around the July's opera festival, but year around. Quite many of the inhabitants are old and like the district in some way. The town is largely a tourist town. All around is the lake district's nature with summer cottages too, but living here it appears dangerous.
26th of January 2020 I have been composing of winter weathers too. Last December I composed for example these (The hand written is titled Raining snow, streetlights here and there) The last one got words this year, according to what the weather brought to mind in December.
5th of February 2020
Me and my apricot poodle haven't been left as much in peace this autumn and winter. One reason is that we have a new neighbour that is intent on destroying peace of living, and another is that we no longer have the whote spitz that was a guard dog too and very likable character. Me and my poodle live more like in a landscape while the Japanese sputz was mostly homebound, took things to his heart but did not seem to look far, think of consequences so much. But on the other hand I have still been composing, this time about the winter weathers and there has been sapce for that, kind of a place for me in just that. And my poodle has his more intellectual social relationships and a wider area natural.
Maybe a little bit over a week ago, my poodle said he wished for a feather and an indian role of longer walks wirh nature around. So I tried an indian feather in his head, but soon took it away.
Two pictures from today. My poodle often waits long before he eats and today he had already eaten sausages.
21th of February 2020 The spring seems to be early this year, but there may still be cold weathers coming.
Since last autumn Banjo has had an own blog https://villakoirabanjo.blogspot.com/ butthat caused problem of vetenarians attacking it, thinking it having too much position but it is already 11 years old and a nice intelligent gentleman like dog. Now we are waiting for the end of February to know for sure that there are no very cold weathers coming so that I can clip it's coat without danger of it freezing.
19th of March 2020 A picture of just washed and trimmed Banjo from the end of February when there was no longer danger of very cold winter weathers.
24th of March 2020 The common factor of where I live and even of the whole town is opera, much like "next block from opera" sounds like.
28th of August 2020 Before the summer I changed the place of the bed, so as to get more fresh air. This is a picture taken in the morning.
The summer was unbearably hot in my sunside apartment. Now it is already cooler and nicer.
5th of September 2020
11th of December 2020
12.1.2021 The street here has an old times army name, and sometimes from outdoors in the evening one can hear bangs like sounds of different kinds of guns and sometimes it feels like someone there with agun is waiting to shoot someone seen through the window, so avoiding being shot is one thing I have giotten some practy´´ice in. But this is the third storey, so sitting down typically removes the danger of being shot. Likewise from outdoors there are only some places from which one could shoot in. The neighbouring house is near, so I have a curtain in the closestr window on their side, snce it isn't nice to live in an aquarium. For the first new years I cheked where there is the danger of being shot and placed my cushioned chair so that there was no danmger of being shot, and if needed I could spend the whole evening there with computer, newspaper, musical instrument, tv, etc and with the possibility to turn lights off from there. Typically when there have been bangs, I have thought it good to sit for a while so that its is bot so nice or easyto wait to shoot,and then go past the dangerous places quickly and go on with my life. But lower storeys would not ha´ve been so easy. The walls of the house are stonel like hardm and curtains matter too.
25th of January 2021 I am moving from Savonlinna to Espoo at the capital district but with a national park too. That may affect my blogging a lot.
Pictures from yesterday or so.
I moved away tuesday 26th of January 2021.
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7th of April 2023, Easter Friday, in Espoo https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/04/about-making-home-nice.html
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