I copy from the first text of this blog:
Tämä on Savonlinnan Nätkin kaupunginosassa Kaartilantie 15 B 24 (5th of
August 2020, Could it be the number of the apartment, 24like Christmas
Eve, why I have written at lenght about learning the skills and talents
of Christmas gnomes http://learntalents.blogspot.com
) ja kolmen
aika samanlaisen kerrostalon (tämä on kolmesta U:n muodossa olevasta
kerrostalosta keskimmäinen) (This house and the neighbouring house
Telakkatie 2 usually have some apartments available for rent, since
there are quite many nice rental apartments in these houses. In Finland
suburbs typically have forerst patches but their atmosphere depends on
teh district, and town centers typically have trees and parks.) välinen
pihametsikkö http://savolaisuudesta.blogspot.fi/2016/06/onnistunut-pihametsikko-malliksi.html , but this is dangerous district to live and to walk in: if you are interested in the area, please read about the danger of murders here, asuntoja välittää www.vuokraovi.com -> Savonlinna
(remember to build a good barricade to the door for evening and night,
guard your foods and not to walk the dog late in the evening at all,
live in harmony with the neighbourhood and Finnish culture, leave others
too space to live in; nearest food shop seemed to have ´been selling
spoiled food so I haven't used it, and when I lived next to it I
sometimes heard gunfire from the shop in the evening, so it is also
otherwise dangerous to visit, which is a problem in part of the food
shops in Savonlinna). Savonlinnassa
ovat kaupunginosat kukin omantyylisensä, vähän kuin ihan erityyliset
paikkakunnat. In these houses the neighbours seem to behave like people
with large capacity like honoured people and there are very few kids and
almost not at all young adults.
5.2.2018 Nätki suburb is largely like grandparents' home. The people
here are, like elderly and people with large capacity, considerate and
good willing on the surface but have their tough side when needed. They
are all the time skilled in the amount arts are but mostly just live in
their homes here."
I have liked to live here, but I am of this caliber and some what the same kind of person as many of the elderly here and like nature and these are maybe the major reasons for me liking the district.Of my caliber: I made in Espoo the thinking course http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com and in another suburb in Savonlinna a philosophical text about the future of computers, see the first text at http://feelingcomputers.blogspot.com . In Nätki suburb I have written at lenght about living wisely the four seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html and last year I also composed short melodies to it. Composing was a new skill for me but I learned singing experience of life in my twenties in helsinki, when I had sports hobbies and loved the nature and was interested in saving the world, I also listened to rock music in the radio. I have also wirtten lots of other blogs here in Savonlinna. In Helsinki and Espoo I wrote my books though, so that was the start for my writing career. The books are just print-on-demand books for sale in www.amazon.com .
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