Monday, June 29, 2020

Pets are magnifient

I have always liked animals, because I value healthy natural life, nature, weathers, sports and gesture language. I also think that animals are wise and I like the way they express emotions. I also think that many animals are beautiful in a kind of atmospheric way. When there is an ordinary day of work or studies, a pet can bring to it a taste of another kind of world, another kind of way of living the daily life, and can be more magnifient looking than one tired from work or studies. But pets demand lots of attention and lots of daily care for all the years one has them. The easiest are maybe aquarium fishes, then mice or the like. Dogs and cats demand lots of attention, a way of life suited to them. There are many breeds if dogs. The best choice is a breed you love and admire, like for example a sporty arctic dog for some, or a conversating wise dwarf dog for many of the elderly.

My poodle Banjo some years ago. The poodle's coat demands much care. Poodle is a typical dog breed for those who would like to be hair dressers by their profession.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Melodies about harmony

This is a harmony of a choir singing some familiar song, it's harmony from which one canlearn to live in harmony. It's for many people from many continents in Europe or in connection with Europen culture.
(I came to think of it in connection with the Eurovision song contest. The four parts of equal lenght are: 1.  theory, 2. practice, 3. ideals and 4. collecting them all together to living teh daily life.)

This second one is the same for birds in the trees:

This is an old melody of mine about finding how people support from their heart a good future for the world, for the present and future generations:

This is a some kind of attempt at harmony like in this summer time opera festivalt own Savonlinna that I live in:

My melodies
About moral

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Luxory feeling at home

The following can give a luxory feeling to a home:
1) The skills of succeeding in shopping: buy only one thing at a time and pay attention to the styles of the packeges and choose by them according to what is your dream about way of life.
2) One room per adult inhabitant brings a luxory feeling to a home
3/ Money tree plant
4) The cooking tips of this blog
5) Music, I guess that especially the radio
6) Warm enough: blankets and woolen socks
7) The colour of your computer, symbolic colours of other things too
8) My blog To a dream job
9) The town you live in chosen by being by it's happenings, main professions and culture one that you like a lot
10) Spend with each thing just the time it fascinates you.

* * *

""Coxy indoors

Just an attempt, a not so good day for me. Last part watching nature outdoors. In parenthesis the keyboard.
Seeks to be something like having bought something but the fascination staying for a long time. Picking nice things to be centers of attention and content to life, like listening to music. Here in a picture from a year ago my favourite poems borrowed from library.
And I meant finding peace for one'sliving even if there are factors disturbing the atmosphere, like today is 75 years from the end of World War II.
From the third part of my gnome skills text Tale like fascination in everyday life, Skills of Gnomes 3., Gnome like life in the modern world

Atmosphere like honey in the air at home

 "  Beetle-home Beautiful village Stell b...