Sunday, March 31, 2024

"Pictures depend on climate preferences and on valuing such things in life"

 "  What one considers nice, a thing to aim at, wise often shows in which climate one would suit, enjoy lufe there and consider it wise in a good way and with wisdom of lufe that suits oneself. The cold and cool weathers are good for looking a lot and for looking with the sense of beauty along. So people inclined to such life all the time tend to produce beautiful pictures with lots of details. So if you like some other type of pictures, for example with less details and more social, that is typically a question of climate preferences, of to where you would suit. There are such pictures too, but one ought to searvh for them in connection with cultural traditions of that climate, kind of see the ways of living as wholes. Likewise the emphazies on different areas of life are climate and culture dependent. 

These texts of mine are on a general level just to allow local variation. So ghe pictures are usually much more local, and they depend on me having liked those areas of lufe and so having treated the artifacts well and with good spirit, kind of feeling them kind of precious to me, as parts of the thinfs in my lufe which I had myself chosen. 


From my blog , this post written 2nd of January 2024 in Espoo, but pictures from Savonlinna from a few to ten years earlier.

"The magnifient looks of trees"


I quote it here: 

"  Old fully healthy trees often have more stunning looks than very young trees. But such typically needs that the tree has had enough room to grow branches balancedly on every side of it. 

The climate, culture and area that you are tuned to, whose wisdom of lufe you want to cultivate and learn, determines that you propably would suit there and like such a place's nature, ways, skills, wisdom of lufe etc. But in different kinds of places you are propably out of tune, kind of skriik skraak, nothing so much worth looking at kn the major currents of life or nature.    See also 

The builders of the town landscape have often also thought of there being nature there, especially trees, grasses and summer flowers. So if you look at a city landscape as a whole but consisting of pieces miljo per miljo, there is a way the trees roadside etc make the houses look magnifient, the whole miljo magnifient as a whole with the gardens etc too. It is often a view of life in the houses with weather skills if one folliws it and quite satisfied life as a whole if one lives there so, but it needs following civiluced wisdom.

Each tree species has it's own charm. Looking it that charm's way is often a fine experience for those who like such styles. Each tree soecies also seems to have it's own wisdom, but at least for me such impressions vary from time to another, and I cannot grasp such on purpise or again, it just existed once and the next tine something else or nothing special. 

Each miljo or garden type and each nature habitat has it's own charm. If you long for such, it is fine. But some others would move to another kind of envirlnment. 

Lots of sensory stimuli is good when jyst coming outdoors, but especially on hot weather such cannot last long. But anyway nice nature around usually makes lufe more pleasant, for example helps a lot recovery after a working day. 


"More countryside or more green views from an apartmenthouse window"

 "  I saw in the video site a picture of an old items shop selling old decorated plates etc in Paris, as if the young people grown in Paris had wished for more nature. But the countryside did not feel like the right answer, it was as if suited to some other type of people, more centered on safety, visiting towns etc. But in apartment houses if you are not at the street level but live a little bit higher with trees outside the window, maybe treetops so high that the views are green most of the year and charming, then one could furnish like one's view of countryside life, yet have sports hobbies etc near by, all the wide lufe possibilities of town, even if one furnishes somewhat grandparents like style, somewhat like hobbiest, music, clothes, handiworks, green plants, maybe pets and social life. See 


From my blog 


There may be very different kind of views even from near by apartments, so such may be worth checking if you like the district. 

These are my views from here where I have now lived for three years, in north-eastern Espoo at the capital district of Finland in southern Finland:  

One can learn about fine views if one has a music hobby or the like, kind of atmospheric moments like coming outdoors and the weatger just fine, refreshing or otherwise suiting, lifting one's mood, and so the style of the nature fine too in such a weather. Anyway, for atmospheric moment one usually needs some variation in one's life, so one can start things anew and notice when something suits one, what is good for what. And so one picks things that one likes, like a nice place to sit in. And so one can change one's life toward better as one learns new such improvements, things fitting obeself and skills for life, knowledge too. Starting fresh makes it possible to reach for better quality, and so also make better lufe chouces in the long run. 

Anyway, one takes the photos on such atmospheric moments, to learn about such charm, to reach something like such again even though usually in a different form, like a different weather and a different view for example. 

It is a foggy day today.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Finding a good place to live in

 "  In the Finnish climate of four seasons, it is clear that one cannot live the summer in the same way as winter, since the weathers are so different. One needs to have a liking for tge variatiln of the weathers and seasons to enjoy such life. Typicamly people have a liking of some country's, climate's and type of district's wisdom of life in it's ways of living, and so thry tune toward such, and may forget to or do not want to tune themselves to their present living place's weather skills, cultute, wisdom of life etc. So they would most adapt to and like living in the district whose wisdom of life they admire. So they ought to move there right away. And likewise of family members: each to the climate, country and type of environment that they enjoy are tuned to, which culture's wisdom they value. That way they themselves would be much wiser, natural and happy. 

4th of January 2024   Bobby Vee : "I love you more than I can say" 


From my blog November 2023.

Atmosphere like honey in the air at home

 "  Beetle-home Beautiful village Stell b...