Monday, August 26, 2019

About cleaning and tidying

"55. If at home it is just cleaned but not things nicely or just messy, it aren't as nice and bringing energy as arranging things nicely and sometimes when one has something nice to do which has a nice atmosphere then leave something of that in sight to bring nice looking, well working pleasant environment and life."

"Nice result of tidying & Greeb plants nicely

"In the neighbouring apartment someone moved furniture and washed the floor etc. When he left, I noticed that it had been a man. I guess a man tuidying moves furniture and vacuum cleans. That would leave a rough result without like women making things nice: for example a woolen blanket or a chair cushion and nice artifacts to make things nicer. Without moving the furniture the tidying would lack a taste of life and energy. I guess that the best result and nicest is when the same person does both.

About making things nice: do in a good mood and do not correct details so as to not to bring work like atmosphere there and spoil the atmosphere of the whole. For example spreading a blanket or a carpet."

Green plants nicely
" plants are better looking because the place and position of each flowerhas been chosen on a good day's good moment, like on a sunny free time moment, naturally momentarily like feels good then, and then left the flower and the flower pot there without touching anything in it, without twisting a leaf, also when watering, for weeks or months, so that the flower adjusts it's position according to the light and the space it has like is good for it to grow and like looks beautiful.""

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5.3.2019  If some time at home there is some place that is more difficult to clean, then the end result may depend on when you try to clean it, for example what is in your mind of social thing or things done, and so the next time the end result can be better, for example better thought of and more light, more strenght.

14. maaliskuuta 2019    My mom taught me to clean like a machine: to one place starightforwardly some kind of result while on the edged like after an explosion. I think that it is better to clean and tidy in some other way: thinking what kind of whole is this, how and why would it be good this way, why is this a good way tyo clean, and so feel better afterwards and also when tidying and cleaning.

I think that cleaning ought to be common sense like way to make places good for living and doing, somewhat like a healthy animal cares for it's feathers or fur, and so it is good for it, even magnifient to live. But then instead of a forced way ofg doing one ought to follow one's own motivation, use good ways of doing, learn for life about good ways of doing, rythm, about good practical possibilities, about differencies of ways of doing, etc.  Tidying and lceaning ought not be like a square: here begins cumbersomely and one just has to do, then one h´just has to do labour, and then just ends here was it. One ought to have motivation, practical deed along it, good enough physical fitness so as to not to get squeezed because of the task, lots of common sense and enough social distance for one to do right choices, that have learned about the rest of one'slife and not stuck collapsing ones, way of doing energetic and not forcing oneself, farsighted with healthy spirit and not square like.

15th January 2020
In cleaning one's home or other ordinary environment, I think it is important to not to just remove some things and leave the place unkept and nasty feeling, but instead tidy at the same time, like cleaning the floor from scrap, dust and dirt and then placing the carpet like is nice for living. And for work habits it is important to have a good mood and energy, enjoyable motion, so tat for cleaning the floor for some it is nice to be agile and clean on one's knees, changing agilely place, while for others it is nice to fing a well working equipment with with you can clean the floor standing and walking around, with calm quite pleasant motions and a good mood.

31th of January 2020
I do not know for sure, but my impression is that methods of cleaning ought to depend on the person, since a different character does the cleaning job in different ways and so needs different equipment, soaps etc. Only if you are a good team, can you copy some of the other person's ways and succeed, even though it may be that some equipment is good for the task while some other equipment is not. But for example which other professions you like and admire, use their ways of thinking and doing, tehir values, may affect a lot what is a good way of doing. Also, if you for example wet the floor, you as a person typically wet it another amount than some other person, and so if you want to remove the dirt, you have to wait a different time and repeat different number of tyimes with a different tecxhnique too. A good guide for good ways is your idea of what you like: you maybe like it because it works for you and your favoyurite ways of working, while some other could for example be too dangerous for your eys and skin. And so it also varies from person to person, in how big bunches and how often doing you achieve the best result: do you find giood enjoyable ways of working immediuately but tire and start crying or do your start clumsily but then find an enjoyment of doing but overdo it compared to your forces?

24th of February 2020
"Spring cleaning
When you get a spark of enthusiasm of spring, you can among other things tidy and make things nice at hiome so that you are along with the season with a happy mood. But in April one is usually forceless, so one has energy and good mood with which to leave things joyful mostly in March and May. It is customary to wash windows in the spring when sunshine shows the dirt in them.
In February at the spring side of winter it is good time to go through places that one hasn't had the energy to tidy for months. In March sunny days it is nice to clean in ordinary ways and to make places nice for spring. In April one does not tidy so much but one ought to live quite speedily and soften home in some ways by making places nice if the landscape behind the window is strenously grey. In May one already makes home nice for summer."
Please observe! This means enthisiasm about the spring, not about the tidying itself. Like: "It was so nice outdoors. The spring is already here! How can it be like this indoors? Wait a moment, I will tosss these aside and wash this table with a few round strokes,so that it is more like spring here in too. Now, look how much better! What if we should do this to a few other places too? If we just have the energy to it."  

26th of December 2020   How one feels about cleaning and tidying, and what one's mood is, depends on what is one's approach and which moment one starts the task. If one does not care when, but just forces oneself to the task, that feels like against one's own will and so leaves a nasty feeling and a not so well working way of doing the work, which then somewhat is seen in the result too. But if one thinls that one would like to clean today,to get things nice and clean, a comfortable enviornment that is good to live in, and that one would like some practicvaö to do, like washing for example, clean water, and some motion which one would like to do in a good way, and that one would like to be active and energetic the amount that suits one's character, and so spend tome time in cleaning too. If then on soem such moment one starts the task and has enough peace for it to work out well, it leaves a nice feeling and that is somewhat seen also in the results. So one can also learn better ways of doing.

8th of January 2021   How one cleans depends on the person and on the occasion, what is cleaned and how and how long did it take and did one get how tired etc. For one to feel well abotu it, I guess that one ought not compare it much with the feelings of others, since they did in a different way, so maybe it is informative about different ways of doing but for one to feel well, one ought to know that one's sensations and feelings connect to what kind of dirt there was and how much and was there bacteria and what kind (food or what) and how one cleaned it: what came after it, washed feeling or what, and how one got tired, partly from physical labour which often makes one stronger in the long run, or from bad work habits which ought to be avoided, or from dirt or from bacteria, or from too much detergent, pr from failures, or from emotional strain. When one's feelings correspond to what one has just done and one recignizes right what sensation was caused by which factor, one feels like having done something, like getting stronger so, and maybe learning skills, and kind of more feels like with soem achievement also on the physical level. 

There are small animals, insects or bacteria where one cleans or at least the atmoshpere afterwards if it isn't so good and happy, means that their living environment got disturbed, and as such is maybe that if one cleans with straight square edges, the animals etc worry and are unhappy, while if one leaves in sight at the edges the way one worked like "squaash" like this I clean, then the animals understand much better and feel better and humans too. 

For cleaning to be nice the equipment ofúght to be clean, and that measn that one ought to choose such fabrics that are easy and comfortable to clean many times in a row while one cleans home. 

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