Saturday, March 28, 2020

Room for free time and Arts

"The Nätki suburb I live in the countryside town Savonlinna in eastern Finland has a fascination of it's own. It is much like a "Huaah!" like feeling instead of work as a burden, like is fit for a holiday travel destination and free time.  I guess that mnay would like to learn these good sides and adopt them where they live, but not all.
* local newspaper that tells about the local highlights and no work magazines etc
* food shop that values comfortable ways and good quality fit for arts
* food helps to put work aside and brings room for free time
* religion 
* music but choose instrument or CD player with a quiet sound so that you do nto disturb neighbours
* my blog could bring more skills
* the weather too is a "Huaah!" like experience
* the advice "Live and let other live!" would help the harmony of the neighbourhood 
* Lots of time at home can bring an individual way of doing suited at home, listeing the one's own insights
* To follow the night time quietness of an apartmenthouse roguhly but allowing sounds of living
(And maybe my blog )"


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